Publikationsliste des Lehrstuhl FUW
- 2024
Ortmann, R.; Hankel, J.; Grimm, T.; Röttger, A.; Sehrt, J.T.
Powder bed fusion of pure copper using an electron beam – achieving high conductivity by real-time process monitoring and control
MATEC Web of Conferences, 406
Dezember 2024153.
Schaefer, H.; Lentz, J.; Röttger, A.; Weber, S.
Microstructure Formation in Hypoeutectic Alloys in the Fe–C–B–Cr–W System
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 56
Dezember 2024152.
Drichel, A.; Spiewak, M.; Röttger, A.; Luetzenkirchen-Hecht, D.; Rodrigues, B.; Slabon, A.
Hydrogen Economy vs Hydrogen Embrittlement: Indirect Electrochemical Determination of Hydrogen Diffusion in Steel
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 12
Oktober 2024151.
Deirmina, Faraz; Bettini, E.; Hann, J.; Amirabdollahian, S.; Zhao, Z.; Dossin, S.; Lupi, G.; Casati, R.; Pellizzari, M.; Röttger, A.
Laser Powder Bed Fusion And Directed Energy Deposition Of A Novel Hot Work Tool Steel: A Comparative Study
Oktober 2024150.
Röttger, A.; Wieczorek, L.; Schmidtseifer, N.; Katzwinkel, T.; Blüm, M.; Löwer, M.
Additive manufacturing of carbon-martensitic hardening ledeburitic cold work tool steels using Fused Filament Fabrication and subsequent Supersolidus Liquid-Phase Sintering
Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 10 :679-700
Mai 2024149.
[Englisch] Deirmina, F.; Quarzago, L.; Butcher, D.; Bettini, E.; Mehraban, S.; Hann, J.; Holländer Pettersson, N.; Lavery, N.; Röttger, A.; Pellizzari, M.
General investigations on the heat treatment and thermal fatigue behavior of an experimental hot work tool steel tailored for laser powder bed fusion
Materials Science and Engineering: A
April 2024
Herausgeber: Elsevier148.
Vehrs, J.; Röttger, A.; Gittel, H.; Schmidtseifer, N.; Theiß, R.; Dültgen, P.
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Hard‐Phase Containing Co‐Base Alloy
Advanced Engineering Materials, 26
02 2024- 2023
[Englisch] Kronenberg, P.; Hagedorn, W.; Berger, A.; Hellwig, F.; Wieczorek, L.; Jäger, S.; Weber, S.; Röttger, A.
Repurpose – How to upgrade tools and save resources
Cleaner Waste Systems
08 2023
Herausgeber: Elsevier146.
[Englisch] Brackmann, L.; Wingender, D.; Weber, S.; Balzani, D.; Röttger, A.
Influence of hard phase size and spacing on the fatigue crack propagation in tool steels—Numerical simulation and experimental validation
FFEMS Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures
07 2023
Herausgeber: Wiley Online Library145.
[Englisch] Brackmann, L.; Röttger, A.; Treppmann, M.; Weber, S.
The behavior of cutting discs for mechanized tunneling under cyclic loading conditions
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 137
07 2023
Herausgeber: Elsevier144.
[Englisch] Disch, N.; Benito, S.; Röttger, A.; Weber, S.
Influence of Heat Treatment Parameters on the Carbide Morphology of PM High‐Speed Steel HS 6‐5‐3‐8
steel research international
06 2023
Herausgeber: Wiley Online Library143.
Jäger, S.; Großwendt, F.; Weber, S.; Röttger, A.
Potentials of Ultrasonically Atomized Cored Wires for Powder Metallurgy and Additive Manufacturing
HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials
05 2023
Herausgeber: De Gruyter142.
Boes, J.; Röttger, A.; Mutke, C.; Escher, C.; Weber, S.
Microstructure and Properties of a Novel Carbon‐Martensitic Hot Work Tool Steel Processed by Laser Additive Manufacturing without Preheating
steel research international, 94 / Issue 4
04 2023
Herausgeber: Wiley Online Library141.
[Englisch] Brackmann, L.; Röttger, A.; Hoang-Giang, B.; Butt, S.; Golanz, H.; Abdiel, Ramon Leon Bal; Priebe, S.; Wingender, D.; Hongwei, Y.; Balzani, D.; Hackl, K.; Meschke, G.; Mueller, I.; Renner, J.
Excavation Simulations and Cutting Tool Wear (Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling)
Kapitel 3, Seite 93-164
Herausgeber: Springer, Cham
03 2023
93-164ISBN: 978-3-031-24065-2
[Englisch] Großwendt, F.; Bürk, V.; Kopanka, B.; Jäger, S.; Pollak, S.; Leich, L.; Röttger, A.; Petermann, M.; Weber, S.
A novel powder-metallurgical eco-friendly recycling process for tool steel grinding sludge
Journal of Cleaner Production
03 2023
Herausgeber: Elsevier139.
[Englisch] Brackmann, L.; Wingender, D.; Weber, S.; Balzani, D.; Röttger, A.
Influence of hard phase morphology on the fatigue crack propagation in tool steels
02 2023
Herausgeber: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universitätsbibliothek138.
[English] Farayibi, P. K.; Hankel, J.; van gen Hassend, F.; Blüm, M.; Weber, S.; Röttger, A.
Tribological characteristics of sintered martensitic stainless steels by nano-scratch and nanoindentation tests
01 2023137.
Mishra, T. P.; Leich, L.; Krengel, M.; Weber, S.; Röttger, A.; Bram, M.
NdFeB Magnets with Well-Pronounced Anisotropic Magnetic Properties Made by Electric Current-Assisted Sintering
Advanced Engineering Materials
Januar 2023136.
[English] Röttger, A.; Boes, J.; Großwendt, F.; Weber, S.
Description of a new concept for the development of adapted hot-work tool steels for laser-powder bed fusion
Additive Manufacturing, Volume 61
Januar 2023
Herausgeber: ELSEVIER- 2022
[Englisch] Disch, N.; Benito, S.; Röttger, A.; Weber, S.
Influence of heat treatment parameters on the carbide morphology of PM high-speed steel HS 6-5-3-8
steel research international
Dezember 2022134.
[English] Ziesing, U.; Lentz, J.; Röttger, A.; Theisen, W.; Weber, S.
Processing of a Martensitic Tool Steel by Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing
Materials, 15 :7408
Oktober 2022
Herausgeber: MDPI133.
[English] Boes, J.; Röttger, A.; Mutke, C.; Escher, C.; Weber, S.
Microstructure and properties of a novel carbon‐martensitic hot work tool steel processed by Laser Additive Manufacturing without preheating
steel research international
09 2022132.
[English / Deutsch] Wieczorek, L.; Katzwinkel, T.; Blüm, M.; Löwer, M.; Röttger, A.
Supersolidus Liquid Phase Sintering and Heat Treatment on Atomic Diffusion Additive Manufacturing Produced Ledeburitic Cold Work Tool Steel
HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials
08 2022
Herausgeber: De Gruyter131.
Brackmann, L.; Schuppener, J.; Röttger, A.; Weber, S.
Influence of a Partial Substitution of Co by Fe on the Phase Stability and Fatigue Behavior of a CoCrWC Hard Alloy at Room Temperature
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 53 :2708-2723
07 2022
Herausgeber: Springer US130.
Hongwei, Y.; Renner, J.; Brackmann, L.; Röttger, A.
Normal Indentation of Rock Specimens with a Blunt Tool: Role of Specimen Size and Indenter Geometry
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 55 :2027-2047
04 2022
Herausgeber: Springer Vienna